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Me composer, write good

There’s a new Composer Blog on the NYTimes site, called The Score. Fascinating. It’s a little too autobiographical at this point for my taste, but one hopes it will gear up into some interesting postings. It’s part of their Times Select online subscription thing (like their editorials and much of their multimedia content), which means that one has to pay, I believe. But if you get the newspaper delivered it’s free, you just have to sign up.

It’s a group blog thing where they apparently take turns … there are postings from Michael Gordon, Alvin Curran, and soon by Glenn Branca, but the best one so far is unsurprisingly by Annie Gosfield (well, best music, too). I met her at a concert last season once, introducing myself awkwardly, like a blushing teen asking for an autograph or something. I think I might have blurted something like “I’m a big fan! I’m a composer too!”, whereby she looked at me kindly and nodded uncomfortably, no doubt wishing that the big freak leave her alone. Sigh. Her posting from last week, albeit quite “bio”, rings the most honest and open for me, so maybe there will be some engaging reading there in the near future. I’m curious how this interesting side project by a news organization not exactly known for it’s composer-coddling will ultimately pan out. Considering the bulk of excellent New Music-related reading out there (from NewMusicBox to, it might just add white noise to a crowded field. So to speak.

See? This composer-related reading gives you ridiculous mixed metaphors. Can you get that from the NYTimes? I think not.

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