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(Yes, I still use one)

The other day while preparing to write out a fair copy of something from The Opera I found myself sans pencil and so randomly selected (ie. stole) the first one I saw from Better Half‘s bucket of writing instruments on her desk. Soon after: Oh man, this pencil is fanTAStic … it’s so smooth and it looks so sharp and clear and dark on the page, what IS this? Of course, by accident (seriously) I didn’t grab just any old schlubby #2, but one of her crazy-nice sketching pencils. So, of course, now I’m hooked. I’m never going back to anything resembling a mechanical ever again. O! Faber-Castell 9000 Graphite in 7B hardness-grade, you have stolen my heart. Sigh.

JB knows what I’m talking about. Last year when I waxed nostalgic about the loss of Aztec manuscript paper, he deemed Eagle’s old Electronic Scorer pencils “the greatest pencil ever created in the history of the Universe”. Possible. But R.I.P, because the E.S. is gone forever, living on only as jpegs on the internets. So it’s off to Pearl Paint, because in the interest of Marital Harmony I kind of have to return that Castell 9000 I stole. But also I have some serious procrastination to accomplish, and there is a world of Stupidly-Expensive Pencils out there, just waiting for my determination of exactly which one is the Perfect Stupidly-Expensive Pencil for me.

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  1. John Mackey

    What is a “pencil?”

    Posted on 26-Sep-08 at 1:45 PM | Permalink
  2. Anonymous

    I use pen (seriously). The feel is so much better than pencil and I don’t really care about a messy page with lots of cross-outs.

    Posted on 14-May-09 at 12:06 AM | Permalink

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